In Chalk The Block Riverwoods Family Activities Provo

Our experience at Chalk The Block

Tuvimos una experiancia muy bonita, atendiendo nuestro primer evento de Chalk The Block, Un evento maravilloso con un fin de recaudar fondos para ayudar a niños autistas. 

We had such an amazing time attending our first Chalk the Block event, an amazing event for such a great cause, to raise funds for children with autism. — at Chalk the Block.

Me encanto encontrarme con esta belleza Dominica, Syria me comento lo mucho que le gustaba leer nuestro Blog de Utah Mamá Latina.
Loved running into this Dominican Beauty, Syria told us how much she loved reading our Utah Mama Latina Blog. 
Este fue el que mas me inspiro y gusto
This piece right here was the one that most inspired me
There were so many talented artist and their chalk art was honestly out of this world!
Habián tantos artistas tan talentosos y la arte en tiza fuera de este mundo!

Los niños disfrutando del arte
The kids enjoying all the art 

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